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April 96

Plays, movies & best-seller books


Alô? Madame!... -- It all starts when two friends get a phone number that belonged to a palm reader and decide to take the clients for themselves. By Marcelo Saback and Vinicius Marques. In Rio.

Dias Felizes -- Love comedy about a couple who stay together through thick and thin. Bárbara Heliodora's translation from the Thomas Beckett's play. In São Paulo.

Intensa Magia -- Maria Adelaide Amaral's play about a family's public washing of dirty laundry during an engagement party. Rosa Maria Murtinho stars. Paulo Cezar Saraceni directs. In Rio.

Mary Stuart -- The struggle for power between queens Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I. From Friedrich Schiller. Directed by Gabriel Villela. In São Paulo.

Noite Feliz -- A Christmas family gathering becomes a group therapy when people start to share less than charitable impressions about each other. Flávio Marinho wrote and directs. Dramedy. In Rio.

Oeste -- Drama. A family feud between two brothers who see the world very differently. Sam Shepard's play directed by Marco Ricca with Renata Sorrah and Xuxa Lopes. In São Paulo.

Querida Mamãe -- The hate-love relationship between daughter and mother. Eva Vilma stars and José Wilker directs this Maria Adelaide Amaral's story. In São Paulo.

Como Encher um Biquíni Selvagem -- Written and directed by multitalented Miguel Falabella with Cláudia Jimenez. A story of loneliness in the big city. In Rio.

Todo Mundo Sabe que Todo Mundo Sabe -- Another play from prolific and multitalented Miguel Falabella who also directs it. A socialite struggles to avoid economic disaster. In Rio.


American films just released: Leaving Las Vegas (Despedida em Las Vegas), Georgia (Georgia), Sense and Sensibility (Razão e Sensibilidade), To Die For (Um Sonho sem Limites), Pushing Hands (A Arte de Viver), Get Shorty (O Nome do Jogo), Heat (Fogo Contra Fogo), Things to Do in Denver When You Are Dead (Coisas para Fazer em Denver Quando Você Está Morto), Clockers (Irmãos de Sangue), Four Rooms (Grande Hotel -- Uma Comédia Cinco Estrelas), Now and Then (Agora e Sempre), Father of the Bride (O Pai da Noiva), Virtuosity (Assassino Virtual)

Jamon Jamon (Jamon Jamon) -- Spain -- 1992 -- The love story between a rich guy and the lovely girl who is the daughter of a notorious prostitute. Directed by Bigas Luna.

Jenipapo -- Brazil -- 1995 -- Monique Gardenberg directs. The fascination of an American reporter living in Rio de Janeiro with an activist priest who fight for agrarian reform.

La Flor de Mi Secreto (A Flor de Meu Segredo) -- Spain -- 1995 -- Pedro Almodóvar directs this comedy about a writer unable to write three novels she has promised her publisher due to a matrimonial crisis.

Mario, Maria e Mario (Mário, Maria e Mário) -- Italy -- 1993 -- The fall of Russia wrecks havoc at the life of a socialist couple, husband and wife are communist militants. Ettore Scola directed.

Il Postino (O Carteiro e o Poeta) -- Italy -- 1995 -- Poet Pablo Neruda's friendship with the mailman during the writer's exile in an Italian island. Directed by Michael Radford.

O Qu4trilho -- Brazil -- 1995 -- Fábio Barreto directs Patrícia Pillar, Glória Pires, Bruno Campos, and Alexander Paternorst in this dramatic story of two couples against the morals of the time. The action takes place among Italian immigrants in the south of Brazil. Nominated for the Oscar.

Les Silences du Palais (Os Silêncios do Palácio) -- France -- 1994 -- By Moufida Tlatly. After the death of her father, a famous young singer returns to the palace where she was born.

Terra Estrangeira (Foreign Land) -- Brazil -- 1995 -- Brazilian flees to Portugal amid economic turmoil in Brazil during the Collor de Mello presidency. Directed by Walter Salles Júnior.

Two Billion Hearts (Todos os Corações do Mundo) -- Brazil -- 1994 -- Murilo Salles's documentary on the 1994 World Soccer Cup. It's FIFA's official film.

The White Baloon (O Balão Branco) -- Iran -- 1995 -- The dreams of a little girl whose only ambition is to get a red fish as gift. Jafar Pahani is the director.



1. O Mundo de Sofia
Jostein Gaarder (Comp. das Letras) 2. O Xangô de Baker Street
Jô Soares (Comp. das Letras)
3. A Profecia Celestina
James Radfield (Objetiva)
4. Manhã, Tarde, Noite
Sidney Sheldon (Record)
5. Comédias da Vida Privada -- 101 Crônicas Escolhidas
Luís F. Veríssimo (L&PM)
6. Guia de Leitura de A Profecia Celestina
James Radfield and Carol Adrienne (Objetiva)
7. Quase Memória
Carlos Heitor Cony (Companhia das Letras)
8. Os Catadores de Conchas
Rosamunde Pilcher (Bertrand Brasil)
9. Quando a Vida Encolhe
Zibia Gasparetto (Espaço, Vida & Consciência)
10. Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira
José Saramago (Companhia das Letras)


1. O Guia dos Curiosos
Marcelo Duarte (Companhia das Letras)
2. A Assustadora História da Medicina
Richard Gordon (Ediouro)
3. Chatô - Rei do Brasil
Fernando Morais (Companhia das Letras)
4. Paula
Isabel Allende (Bertrand Brasil)
5. Mauá, Empresário do Império
Jorge Caldeira (Companhia das Letras)
6. Você Pode Curar sua Vida
Louise L. Hay (Best Seller)
7. Anjos Cabalísticos
Mônica Buonfiglio (Oficina Cultural Esotérica)
8. Minutos de Sabedoria
Luis Torres Pastorino (Vozes)
9. Mensagens de Maria para o Mundo
Annie Kirkwood (Record)
10. Mulheres que Correm com Lobos
Clarissa Pinkola Estés (Rocco)

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