Brazil Opens Transparency Portal Listing All Government’s Expenses

Thursday, June 30, the head of Brazil’s General Controller Secretariat (Controladoria-Geral da União) (CGU), minister Waldir Pires, announced a package of anti-corruption measures, pointing out that President Lula has constantly combated corruption.

Among the measures is the Transparency Portal,, which has been operating experimentally since the end of last year, and was officially inaugurated by Pires.

The portal permits direct access to data on government spending at the federal, state and municipal levels. Pires declared that only a few countries can furnish such transparency.

Another measure is the creation of Controller secretariats in each ministry. Pires said that would put an end to federal public administrative impunity.

The measures will also make it possible for inquiries into civil servant misconduct with money, such as displays of illicit wealth incompatible with income by high-level officials, to be quick, agile and punitive.

The measures also make it mandatory for federal agencies to make annual reports to the Controller General.

ABr –


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