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Brazil’s Lula Didn’t Get Money from Cuba, Says Finance Minister

Brazil’s Minister of Finance, Antonio Palocci, in testimony before the Senate Commission on Economic Affairs, Wednesday, November 16, declared that as the Political Coordinator of the Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva 2002 presidential campaign he was able to declare that the campaign did not receive funding from Cuba, Angola or the FARC of Colombia.

Palocci said that as one of the coordinators of the campaign he did meet with business leaders and ask them for contributions, but he never was involved directly in handling campaign funds.

"I was involved in the campaign full-time, but I never heard anything about these foreign contributions," he said.

With regard to financial scandals in Ribeirão Preto when he was mayor, he said he has presented documents proving that the charges are false.

As for the renegotiation of Angola’s debt, Palocci said that because the debt was not being paid the renegotiation was necessary and that it was done openly, above board.


Next: Brazil’s Finance Minister Promises Long Cycle of Growth
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