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Small Business Creates 70,000 New Jobs in Sí£o Paulo, Brazil

The micro and small sized companies from the state of São Paulo, southeast Brazil, have 70,000 people more in working posts in March than in February this year.

The increase in 1.2% is driven by trade, which expanded their workforce by 2.2%. In comparison to the same month last year, the increase is more modest: there are 28,000 more people working or 0.5%.

The information is the result of the Indicators Research on Income and Work Positions carried out by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) from São Paulo.

"The number of people hired in March is a demonstration of the optimistic feeling shared by the entrepreneurs for the next few months, after the first quarter was below expectations," analyses the economist Marco Aurélio Bedê, coordinator in the Economic Research Department at the São Paulo Sebrae.


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