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Brazil Opens First Maximum Security Prison at Cost of US$ 10 Million

Brazil’s Minister of Justice, Márcio Thomaz Bastos, and the director of the Department of Federal Penitentiaries, MaurÀ­cio Kuehne, will inaugurate today the country’s first maximum security prison in Catanduva, Paraná state.

The prison has 12,600 square meters and a capacity for 208 inmates who will be submitted to what is called the Differentiated Disciplinary Regime (RDD).

The regime, used for dangerous inmates and gang leaders, seeks to keep them isolated while reducing tension in the prison.

Another four new maximum security prisons will soon be inaugurated. Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte, will be ready before the end of this year; and two more, in Porto Velho, Roraima, and the state of Espí­rito Santo, will be ready in 2007.

Each of the new prisons costs US$ 10 million (20 million reais).


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