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Brazil Celebrates in Washington 1906 Flight of Airplane Inventor, Santos-Dumont

The Minister of Planning, Budget and Management of Brazil, Paulo Bernardo Silva, and the President of the Inter-American Development Bank, Luis Alberto Moreno, will open the exhibition "Brazil, 100 Years of Innovation."

The exposition will be held at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C., in celebration of the first flight of a self-propelled plane in 1906. The event will take place September 12 at 12:30 p.m. in the  atrium of the main IDB building.

The exhibition, sponsored by the Executive Director for Brazil and Suriname at the IDB, Rogério Studart, will highlight Brazil’s century of technological advances since the first flight by famous Brazilian pilot Alberto Santos-Dumont (1873-1932), who is known in Brazil as  the Father of Aviation and the inventor of the airplane.

The exhibit, which will be on view September 12-22, will showcase the first plane that Santos-Dumont flew, the 14 Bis or Oiseau de Proie (bird of prey in French). The Brazilian pilot made in October, 1906, in Paris, the first public flight of an airplane in Europe.

He is also considered to be the first man who flew a machine without the help of a catapult or any other similar device.

The technological advancement display will include a section on the sustainable organization and exploitation of the Brazilian Amazon, based on the Arpa Project and the Program for Public Management of Forests.

Another section will outline Brazilian leadership in the technology used by Petrobras for oil production in deep waters, biodiesel fuel and clean renewable energy sources.

Other successful technologies on exhibit will be the Eletrobrás Group experience using hydroelectric potential, as well as research in agribusiness by Embrapa, electronic balloting to strengthen democracy, and projects and products using state-of-the-art technology.

The exhibit will be on view in the IDB atrium at 1300 New York Ave, N.W., Washington, D.C.

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