Brazzil Magazine

Bye-Bye, Song Bird

Born on May 23, 1908 (some experts say it was in 1902), in São ...

Emperor Henrique I

If everything works as planned in Brasília, Brazilians won’t have to worry about a ...


By Are We? Re: "We Are Paying for This War" —, Comrade Stédile ...

The Last of the "Colonels"

Senator Antonio Carlos Magalhães and Senate president José Sarney represent a dying species. President ...

A Pipa Dream

Pipa was the first city in Brazil where people used ketchup, chewing gum, and blue ...

Where Did All the Blacks Go?

When I asked in Bahia a group of Brazilian school kids what race they ...

So Vain

Why does President Cardoso want Brazil as a permanent member of the UN Security ...

Velloso with a J

They were practically unknown from people outside the jail system until they staged the ...

Gay Rio

By Brazzil Magazine Pleasures in the Parks of Rio de Janeiro during the Brazilian ...

The Economy of Chaos

For long considered a patrimony of Brazilian music, Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, better known ...