Brazzil Magazine

Leave it to the Pirates

At least half of all CDs sold in Brazil are pirated copies. For a ...

Acoustic Assurance

Some have dismissed his initiative as just "the paranoia of the Brazilian left-wingers", but ...

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine Capitu—Based on Machado de Assis’s Dom Casmurro, a book many consider ...

Showcase Town

Finished the trance, the old man stood up and took the grandson in his ...

Concrete Jungle

"CINEMA BRASIL" comes to San Diego By Cine ’99: The San Diego Latino Film ...

The Amazon Conundrum

She might have lost her cool and might have told him that it was ...

Divorce Not a Dirty Word Anymore

In 1991, for each 100 marriages there were 21.2 break ups. Seven years later ...

Naughty, Naughty Santa

There is no other country like Brazil in which the lines between men’s magazines ...

The Owners of Brazil

Rich and powerful to the point of arrogance, when it cannot beat the competition, ...

Race and Fantasy

By Brazzil Magazine Today Brazil has the largest single population of African-Americans outside of ...