Brazilian Congress Urges Speedy Creation of Palestinian State

Brazilian senate holds International Day of Solidarity Brazil's National Congress held a solemn session on Thursday, December 4, to observe the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, created by the United Nations. The official date is November 29, which was last Saturday. The homage was an initiative of senator Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF).

November 29 was the date in which the Partition Plan for the Palestine was passed, in 1947. Members of the Parliament and diplomats present in the plenary called for the establishment of a Palestinian State.

"This issue is a challenge to mankind, and it will not be solved without an independent Palestinian State. The solution for the Diaspora of one people [the Jews] cannot lead to the Diaspora of another [the Palestinians]," said senator Buarque during his address in Brazilian capital Brasí­lia.

According to the Palestinian ambassador to Brasí­lia, Ibrahim Mohamed Khalil Alzeben, for 61 years now, the Palestinian people are living a Diaspora and waiting for the creation of a country.

The solemnity was attended by all of the Arab ambassadors to Brasí­lia, the president of the Brazil-Arab Countries Parliamentary Group, representative Nilson Mourão, the secretary general at the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce , Michel Alaby, senators Romeu Tuma, José Nery and senator Serys Slhessarenko among other.

The director at the United Nations Information Center in Brazil, Giancarlo Summa, the ambassador at the Department of Middle East and Central Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Sarkis Karmirian, were also present.


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