3.14 Million in 2009: Brazil Has Never Sold So Many Vehicles

Cars BrazilLast year, in Brazil, sales of automobiles, light commercial vehicles, trucks and buses totaled 3.14 million units, representing growth of 11.35% over 2008, according to data disclosed by the National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distributors (Fenabrave). The figure is an annual record high.

Considering automobiles and light commercial vehicles only, 3.01 units were sold, growth of 12.66% in comparison with the previous year. Out of those, 88% were bi-fuel vehicles, which run on alcohol, gasoline, or any combination of the two.

With regard to automobiles, Volkswagen was the manufacturer operating in the country that sold the most, followed by Fiat, General Motors Ford, Honda, Renault, Peugeot, Citroën, Toyota and Hyundai.

On the other hand, motorcycle sales in Brazil have decreased. A total of 1.61 million units were sold in 2009, as against nearly 2 million in 2008. There was a reduction in sales of highway implements as well.

Credit for Mercedes

A line of financing of 1.2 billion Brazilian reais (US$ 696 million), approved by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), is going to enable Mercedes-Benz Brazil to develop, with the participation of Brazilian engineers, new models of diesel-fueled trucks and engines in keeping with the Program for Automotive Vehicles Air Pollution Control, scheduled to enter into force in 2012, as informed by the BNDES.

With the financing line, Mercedes will be able to increase production capacity at its unit in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in the Greater São Paulo region, aside from modernizing the parts distribution center located in Campinas, in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

The increase in production in São Bernardo do Campo, which will go from 55,000 to 67,000 vehicles per year, will lead to the creation of 1,900 direct jobs.


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