Iran Expands in About 200% in Volume and Value Meat Imports from Brazil

Brazilian beefExports of raw beef from Brazil grew 26% in the first two months of 2010 as against the same period last year, reaching US$ 665.531 million in business. In terms of volume, Brazil exported 288,749 tons of meats, expansion of 8% over the first two months of 2009. The average price per ton was US$ 3,527.

The figures were presented on Tuesday, March 9, at the Brazilian Beef Industry and Exporters Association (Abiec), by Otávio Cançado, executive director at the organization.

Iran was the country that presented the greatest expansion in revenues (216% – US$ 93.094 million) and in quantity (195% – 35,323 tons) in purchases of raw beef from Brazil, as against 2009.

However, Russia remains the main importer of beef from the country, with purchases of 61,801 tons of the product and revenues of US$ 126.447 million.

Egypt, the main Arab buyer of raw beef, was responsible for 5% of sales of the product in the period, with expansion of 22% in imported volume and 72% in revenues generated. Between January and February this year, the country in North Africa bought 11,636 tons of meat, generating US$ 24.272 million.

“Egypt has always been an important trade partner for Brazilian beef. There was a reduction due to the entry of Iran [as a buyer], but it is still one of the main trade partners in the area,” said Cançado.

Algeria, which is in the second place among the Arab buyers, was responsible for 4% of Brazilian sales, reduction of 12% in the volume of exports (the country purchased 10,927 tons of beef).

However, revenues grew 3% (reaching US$ 22.252 million). “You reduce the volume, but there is expansion in prices. Thus, the average growth per ton exported to Algeria was 17%, which is very positive, as revenues are still rising,” analyzed Cançado.

Saudi Arabia purchased 3% of the Brazilian beef exported in the first months of the year, totaling 6,969 tons of beef, expansion of 28% over 2009, generating US$ 16.551 million in revenues, growth of 53% in comparison with last year.

Sales of industrialized beef presented reduction of 10% in volume and 13% in revenues. According to Cançado, this is a reflex of the global financial crisis.

“The crisis expanded the sale of industrialized beef in 2009. With the return to trade, the purchase of raw beef, a higher quality product, has risen,” he explained.



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