Brazil Gets First Exclusive Publication for iPad. It’s a Free 24/7 Experience

Brasil247 Brazil is getting a glimpse of its first media interface developed specially for the iPad: Brasil247 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). It is a new free medium providing content that is open, shareable and editable in a creative, collaborative and light-hearted approach.

As its developers put it, the new newspaper “offers information and entertainment with interaction, plurality, agility and democracy (the iPad ‘s initials): Interactivity – Its content is 100% open, to be shared, Plurality – A collaborative work model, open to readers (journalists or otherwise) to write, Agility – At least two daily editions, and Democracy – Columnists from every walk of life.”

With investments of more than US$ 2 million in one year, Brazil247 was designed to meet the new readership demand of the Brazilian market, which already has 200 thousand tablet users, with the potential to grow to more than 1 million this year.

The project is from Editora247, headed by experienced journalists and directed by Leonardo Attuch and Joaquim Castanheira, esteemed professionals in Brazilian journalism.

The idea for the newspaper arose from the journalist’s own experiences in reading international publications and using tablets. “The American newspaper Daily gave us the confidence that we were on the right track,” says Leonardo Attuch, emphasizing that these devices finally brought portability to the reader and should accelerate the migration from paper to digital media. 

“Brasil247 is not an adaptation of a printed edition. It was created to specifically take advantage of the technological resources available on the iPad platform, like videos, photo galleries and animation,” says Joaquim Castanheira.

The publication antedates technological, cultural, societal and environmental trends by being an open, free, collaborative, freely accessible newspaper that is controlled by journalists and has no printed editions.

In addition to the traditional sections, the newspaper has editorials in Personal Finances, Agribusiness, Media & Technology, Games & Applications, Ecology and Photography. 

On weekends, the readers are offered the Oasis magazine, focused on quality of life, style and traveling. The new publication will begin publicity campaigns from companies like Caoa/Hyundai, Tecnisa and SEB – Sistema Educacional Brasil.

Brasil247 can be accessed through Apple’s iTunes Store (Brasil247 App and Revista Oasis) or through the


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