Brazil Finds 2000 Corruption Cases Against the State and US$ 9 Bi Embezzled in 7 Years

National Justice Secretary Paulo Abrão Approximately US$ $9.3 billion may have been embezzled in seven years, according to a report drawn up by the National Network of Laboratories Against Money Embezzlement, also referred to as Rede-Lab.

Figures were announced by the Ministry of Justice as part of a seminar on the cases analyzed by the association from 2007 to July this year.

Investigations covered 2,196 cases of money embezzlement, corruption, and crimes against public administration. Rede-Lab is a network of laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology for financial data analysis used for combating money laundering and recovering assets acquired by illicit means.

Rede-Lab is headed by the Department of Recovery of Assets and Cooperation, connected with the Ministry of Justice. In a speech that marked the beginning of the seminar on the results of Rede-Lab’s operations, National Justice Secretary Paulo Abrão highlighted the number of successful moves in the fight against corruption.

“This has helped the country in its firm and ongoing endeavors to fight corruption and demystify all the objective conditions that make it possible for organized crime to give an appearance of lawfulness to resources derived from illicit activities. That’s why Rede-Lab exists.”

Rede-Lab initiated its operations against money laundering in 2006, and includes 25 working laboratories and another 18 under construction all across the country. Some $18.8 have been invested by the Ministry of Justice.

The laboratories are located in state Public Prosecution Offices, civil and federal police units, the Federal Public Prosecution Office and the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue.


For the first time in five months the confidence expressed by Brazilian industry investors in the country’s economy stopped declining, according to figures released this weej by the National Industry Confederation (CNI). In spite of the improvement, investors remain far from secure, the survey indicates.

The study shows that confidence levels at their lowest in the 27 sectors of the manufacturing industry, of which only those of pharmaceuticals, foods, and drinks presented a positive confidence index.

As for the size of companies, the lack of confidence is widespread. The highest confidence rate was reported by large-scale factories, and were nonetheless not so significant. CNI’s report covered the period from August 1 to 12, surveying 2,763 companies throughout the country, of which 1,056 are small-scale companies, 1,049 medium, and 658 large.

The confederation did not reveal the reasons behind the lack of confidence, as it did not go beyond asking investors whether they feel optimistic about the country’s economy.



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