World Experts Discuss Alternative Energy in Brazil

Objective paths for the large-scale application of renewable energy sources is one of the issues that will be debated at the International Congress on Climate and Energy (Rio 5), which will bring together government and private specialists from various countries between February 15 and 17 in Rio de Janeiro.

According to one of the coordinators of the event, the geographer Johannes Kissel, the main purpose of the event is to signal the future of alternative energy sources in Brazil.

The country, despite favorable conditions for the development of such sources, still presents a potential that has barely been exploited.

Kissel pointed out that, unlike Europe, Brazil lacks specific legislation favoring renewable energy sources and encouraging investments in this area.

In the geographer’s opinion, high interest rates constitute the chief obstacle to investments in the renewable energy sector in Brazil, “because it is difficult to attract funds with interest rates at this level for 20 years, for example, as investments in this sector are long-term.”

The specialist also emphasized the need to invest in education for the application of renewable energy sources.

He disclosed that a project will be presented at the Rio 5 for the creation of the International University of Renewable Energies, designed to produce specialists, as is already the case in various countries.

Translation: David Silberstein
Agência Brasil


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