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For all the globalization and Americanization of Brazil it’s a surprise to see there are many
different brands filling the Brazilian supermarket shelves.


Talk about soft drinks and for the majority of Brazilians this term will evoke images of Coca-Cola. What about other
products? To discover the answer to this question, Abras (Associação Brasileira de Supermercados—Brazilian Association of
Supermarkets) ordered a study from the AC Nielsen research company regarding the brands and products preferred by
Brazilians. The report, called "Sale Leaders," is an extensive portrait of the nation’s tastes and preferences, listing the five
best-selling brands for 140 product categories. For all the globalization and Americanization of Brazil it’s a surprise to see there are
many different brands filling the Brazilian supermarket shelves.

Minalba, for example, is the leading brand in the mineral water category. The bottled water sector grew 20.4 percent
in the last 12 months, selling 459.3 million liters of the product and earning $101 million. In the house cleaning products’
category, which made almost $700 million, Pinho Sol is the champion of household disinfectants.

Elefante is the tomato paste that most people buy, but Pomarola is the favorite brand when Brazilians shop for
spaghetti sauce. For canned vegetables Jurema is the favorite. As for coffee, Pilão is the leader in its category, with Bauducco
being the brand most people prefer when buying cookies and cakes. Then there’s Danone, a word that in Brazil is synonymous
with yogurt. While the yogurt market experienced a 3 percent reduction in the last 12 months, coffee grew 9.6 percent, selling
232 thousand tons and earning $817 million, during the same period.

Skol is the name most Brazilians think first when buying a beer, a market that sold 1.2 billion liters despite having a
9.6 percent reduction in sales volume.

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