White-House Inspired


If it weren’t for President Clinton, the song
"Boquete" would probably still be in its composer’s drawer gathering dust. Ivo
Meirelles didn’t think the song would get any airtime due to its risqué lyrics. Then the
White House scandal broke out.
By Elma Lia Nascimento

Adding a notch to the Brazilian musical scene steam MTV Brazil has been exhibiting a
video-clip glorifying oral sex. President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky are some of the
characters portrayed in the 4m14s film made to divulge "Boquete" (Giving Head),
a song from Carioca (from Rio) Ivo Meirelles and his Funk’n’Lata band.

By the way, if it weren’t for Clinton, the song would probably still be in Meirelles’s
drawer gathering dust. The song was made two years ago, but the composer didn’t think the
song would get any airtime due to its risqué lyrics. Then the White House scandal broke
out and oral sex became a subject discussed even in kindergartens.

It’s not the Clinton-Lewinsky duet, though, that’s getting most of the attention,
provoking controversy and enraging the Catholic Church. In the clip there is a
priest—Meirelles himself—who is all smiles and is shown with a very pretty
little devil working under his frock while the lyrics explain what’s going on:

Padre encontra o lenitivo….
E a felicidade se repete
Todo dia num boquete

Priest finds lenitive ….
And happiness repeats itself
Everyday in a cocksucking

In another scene, Meirelles gives oral relief to a plastic doll in a Volkswagen bug.
"This veiled censorship I’ve been facing is a portrait of Brazil’s hypocrisy,"
says the musician. "False morality has to go. The whole world performs oral sex, but
you cannot talk about it. I’ve known priests who were gays, others who were
perverts," he adds.



Prá quem tem inglês fluente
Cabeça prá trás
O corpo prá frente
Ela gosta de pagar
E de receber
O céu é o limite do prazer
Vem, neném…
Trombone ou trompete
Gruda em mim que nem chiclete
No carro, na rua, ninguém se mete
Vem que eu quero um boquete
Eu vou também
Não tem saída
Tête-á-tête com a perseguida
Tem que dar pra receber
Se achar é se perder
Papai/mamãe tradicional
Descascar banana é normal
Mas se o remédio é via oral…

Boquete! Boquete! Boquete! Boquete!
Você pode me achar um pervertido
Mas ninguém controla a sua libido
Não me venha com essa de puritano
Você boqueteia por de baixo do pano
Não engorda, não faz mal
Nem precisa de anticoncepcional
Se o remédio é via oral
Mantenha a calma profissional
Secretária, executivo
Padre encontra o lenitivo
Deputado, senador
Todo mundo é provedor
E a felicidade se repete
Todo dia num boquete
Mate a cobra, mostre o pau…

Oral Sex

For those who have fluent English
Head backwards
Body forward
She likes to pay
And to receive
The sky’s the limit of pleasure
Come, babe…
Trombone or trumpet
Stick to me like chewing gum
In the car, in the street, no one dares
Come, I want head
I’m going too
There is no other way
Tête-à-tête with your pussy
You have to give to receive
If to find it to get lost
The traditional mom and dad
Banana peeling is normal
But if the medicine is taken orally…

Head! Head! Head! Head!
You might think I’m a pervert
But no one can control his libido
Don’t start acting like a puritan
You give head under the cover
It doesn’t make you fat, it doesn’t do you harm
You don’t need birth control
If the medicine is taken orally
Maintain the professional calm
Secretary, executive,
Priest finds lenitive
Representative, senator
Everybody is a provider
And happiness repeats itself
Every day in a cocksucking
Kill the snake, show the rod…


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