Once World’s Top Rubber Producer, Brazil Imports the Product Today

The Brazilian production of rubber increased 233% in the last 12 years. The internal consumption increased by similar proportion: 200%.

The local production is above 130,000 tons, but isn’t enough to meet internal demand. Brazil, which has already been the greatest producer in the world, imports about 170,000 tons per year.

Currently the state of São Paulo, in the Southeast region of Brazil is the greatest rubber producer, with more than 70,000 tons annually, followed by Mato Grosso, in the Midwest, with 29,000 tons, and Bahia, in the Northeast, with 16,000 tons.

The Agriculture Politics Secretariat of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply set June 1st the reference price for the kilogram of natural rubber of the Standard Brazilian Rubber no. 1 type (GEB-1) at 3.42 reais (the equivalent to about US$ 1.40).



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