100 Countries in Brazil for Talks on Corruption and Money Laundering

Brazil’s Minister of Control and Transparency, Waldir Pires, of the Federal Comptroller-General’s Office (CGU), informed that his country will host the 4th Global Forum to Combat Corruption.

The encounter, which will be held in Brasí­lia from June 7 to 10, will be attended by representatives of 100 countries and will be organized by the CGU.

“This Global Forum is the result of a worldwide policy to battle against corruption and money-laundering. In short, against those crimes that prevent the money collected by nations from being applied decently on behalf of the population,” he affirmed.

Pires recalled that corruption does not occur only in developing countries. “Corruption is a source of funds, as is trafficking drugs, arms, or human beings. The money from these crimes is laundered and thus plays a big role in the nations that are most important and wealthy. It is a common struggle,” he said.

According to Pires, the cases of corruption reported recently in Brazil corroborate that Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s Administration is investigating these crimes to an increasing extent.

“When a country decides to combat corruption, as is the case in Brazil, the population becomes aware that it exists. When you have a closed country, controlled by an oligarchy or a dictatorship, nothing is said, nothing is done, and everything is totally hidden from the population.

“Our policy is to be completely open and to conduct a coordinated effort with all the organs capable of contributing their abilities to work against corruption.”

Agência Brasil

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