Brazil Asks WTO for Sanctions Against US Subsidies

The Brazilian government sent a request, yesterday, July 5, to the World Trade Organization (WTO), calling for the application of trade sanctions against the United States.

The measure would be in response to the American government’s refusal to comply with the WTO’s decision, taken in March of this year, demanding the termination of subsidies to cotton producers.

According to information from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations (Itamaraty), “the Brazilian request stems from the fact that July 1 was the cutoff date for the United States to eliminate the subsidies judged to be unlawful by the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body, namely, the export credit guarantees for cotton and other agricultural products and the payments made under the ‘Step 2’ program to cotton exporters and domestic users of the American product.”

The Itamaraty informed that the Brazilian request will be examined by the WTO on July 15.



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