Brazil Has Already Exported More Than the Whole of 2003

Brazilian exports reached US$ 73.338 billion up until the second week of October, according to information from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex).

The value already is superior to what was registered during the whole of last year, which was US$ 73.084 billion.

Imports, on the other hand, have amounted to US$ 46.816 billion during this year, which represents a 27.4% increase in comparison to the same period in 2003.

The surplus on the trade balance is therefore at US$ 26.522 billion.

During the second week of October, Brazil exported the equivalent to US$ 2.483 billion, imported US$ 1.391 billion, which resulted in a surplus of US$ 1.092 billion.

During the month, up to now, exports amounted to US$ 3.060 billion, imports reached US$ 1.659 billion and the surplus was of US$ 1.401 billion.



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