Brazil Is Ready and Able to Solve Any Crisis, Says Supreme’s Chief Justice

Brazil’s president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Minister Nelson Jobim, said that “there is no possibility of any type of institutional crisis” when it comes to accusations involving the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Severino Cavalcanti.

“This crisis is being completely handled through procedural means, with a clear administration within the jurisdictional sphere of each one,” the Minister observed.

The ex-manager of the Fiorella restaurant, Izeilton Carvalho, confirmed in testimony before the Federal Police the accusations he had made in the press over the weekend.

According to Carvalho, Cavalcanti charged the entrepreneur, Sebastião Augusto Buani, owner of the restaurant, monthly payoffs of US$ 4.3 thousand (R$ 10 thousand) in return for a five-year extension of the concession to use the restaurant.

Jobim declared that Brazilian institutions are capable of solving any problem.

“In our model there are strong and solid institutions, and all of them have the capacity to handle all incidents that might occur, whatever they may be, through procedural channels,” he said.

Agência Brasil


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