Brazil: US Firm Acquires Jockey Clubs’ Broadcast Signals

Carnegie Cooke and Co., Inc. announced the acquisition of the domestic racing broadcast signal betting for a facility in Campos, Brazil.

Domestic signal betting in Campos has been active for two years and generated US$ 10,000 (30,000 reais) weekly in the previous quarter.

Carnegie Cooke’s Max Rosado, COO, stated, “Carnegie Cooke’s position in the international turf industry is strengthened by the acquisition of the domestic racing signal.

“By attaining the domestic signal we continue to enhance our business model with the expansion of various revenue generating sources, adding to our international betting signal.

“The international signal from Charleston Broadcast Technologies is presently being tested and synchronized and will become fully operational to receive bets.”

“The domestic broadcast signal carries races from various Brazilian Jockey Clubs. This provides us with more comprehensive content to our betting base. It is our intention to follow this business model, by expeditiously opening additional locations.”

Carnegie Cooke is presently updating its website to expand disclosure of its present activities. It intends to file, in December, a registration statement with the SEC to make it a reporting company.

Carnegie Cooke is the leading media and distribution company in the Brazilian Turf Industry. The Department of Agriculture reports that 2000 turf/gaming industry revenues were over U.S. $377 million, just in local racing events, using un-mechanized facilities.

The company has the exclusive rights with the Brazilian Association of Jockey Clubs and with the endorsement of the Brazilian Government to mechanize Jockey Club facilities and to implement international simulcast racing throughout the country.

Earlier this month, its Brazilian subsidiary, Carnegie Cooke do Brasil Ltd., entered into an international simulcasting agreement with Royal Jack Corporation for all its OTB facilities in Brazil with distribution rights for proprietary U.S. horse racing technologies.

Kentucky-based CBT, LLC, dba Charlson Broadcast Technologies, will provide all necessary data, video distribution and betting technology to interface with American betting systems.

Business Wire


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