Brazil’s Labor Minister Says Goal Is to Get 1.8 Million New Jobs in 2006

Over 1.8 million formal jobs were created in 2004, in Brazil, according to just-released data from the Brazilian Annual Social Information Report (Rais).

According to Brazil’s Minister of Labor and Employment, Luiz Marinho, next year’s goal is to create another 1.8 million, repeating the increase achieved in 2004. He informed, however, that this year’s figure is expected to amount to 1.5 million new jobs.

The data indicate that in 2004 twice as many people found employment as they did in 2003. This is the best absolute result in the Rais since the series began in 1986.

"Brazil finally interrupted a process of decline in its economy, from the standpoint of both jobs and salaries. We began a solid growth process not limited to formal employment," said Marinho.

The survey is based on annual, compulsory statements by employers. The purpose of the Rais is to identify the total number of workers eligible to receive the government’s salary bonus and other benefits, as well as to contribute to the formulation of job policies.



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