Brazil’s TAM Airlines Reelects Two Women as Chairman of the Board and Chairman

TAM S.A., Brazil’s largest airline company, reelected the members of its Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting (AGO) held at TAM headquarters, in São Paulo, Brazil, Friday, April 28.  

Noemy Almeida Oliveira Amaro was reelected as the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Maria Claudia Oliveira Amaro was reelected Chairwoman. 

The other board members are:  Maurí­cio Rolim Amaro, Luiz Antonio Correa Nunes Viana Oliveira, Henri Philippe Reichstul, Waldemar Verdi Junior, Roger Ian Wright and Adalberto de Moraes Schettert.  All of them will represent the Company for a one-year term of office ending April 30, 2007.

The same meeting approved the establishment of the Company’s Fiscal Council and elected Antonio Fernando Siqueira Rodrigues, Edvaldo Massao Murakami, Nilton Maia Sampaio, Luiz Alberto de Castro Falleiros and Livia Xavier de Mello as its effective members.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting (AGE) held on the same date, an amendment to TAM’s Bylaws was approved, which was necessary for the Company to comply with São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) Differentiated Corporate Governance Practices – Level 2, a classification that requires a comprehensive set of corporate governance practices and extended minority shareholders’ rights.

The financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2005, the income allocation and distribution of dividends were also approved without reservation by the Boards at the AGO.



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