Imports Increase 36% in Brazil

Brazilian exports added up to US$ 2.772 billion last week and kept the same level in the external sales daily average as the previous week.

On the other hand, imports, although in a smaller volume, of US$ 1.982 billion, increased 35.6% in comparison to the averages of the first week of June.

This is what shows the report of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, released today, June 12. The document brings the general figures of the trade balance last week, when the trade surplus was of US$ 790 million, increasing the month’s surplus to US$ 1.311 billion.

For the whole year, the accumulated surplus reaches US$ 16.775 billion, with a reduction in 2.81% in comparison to the same period last year, result of a stronger increase in imports.

While total exports add up to US$ 55.346 billion, with an increase of 12.33% in the year, purchases of foreign products register US$ 36.571 billion, with an increase of 20.98%.



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