Brazil Women Beat French and Swedish Colleagues in Entrepreneurship

Brazilian business women According to data from the London-based Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey, released this Wednesday, April 18, in Brazil's southeastern city of São Paulo, Brazilian women remain in an outstanding position in the global business sector.

According to the report, female entrepreneurship in Brazil is the 10th most active in the world. Of all women interviewed, 5.5 million (9.61%) were entrepreneurs at an early stage of their career (owning businesses under implementation or with up to 42 months of existence).

Ahead of Brazil in the list are Peru (39.27%), the Philippines (22.45%), Indonesia (18.73%), Jamaica (18.14%), Colombia (17.30%), Thailand (14.18%), China (13.79%), Malaysia (11.13%) and Australia (9.87%).

Brazilian women rank higher than those of countries such as France (2.53%), Sweden (2.43%), Slovenia (2.29%), Belgium (1.04%) and the United Arab Emirates (0.29%).

To the technical director at the National division of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Luiz Carlos Barboza, the growing participation of women in society is now being reflected on the business world.

"In terms of establishment of new businesses, women are practically equal to men, quite a different situation from only five years ago, when women answered to little more than one quarter of initiatives. The growth is also due to the increased share of the trade and services sector in the total GDP of Brazil; women account for two thirds of the sector's new businesses," according to Barboza.



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