Letters – Ready to surf

Ready to surf

I was very happy about the article “Catch-up Time” published in the
December issue. There were some cool Internet addresses. I passed this
information to my Brazilian professor who teaches Information System
classes at the Golden Gate University and we are looking forward to
surf the Net. Thank you. I would like to add that I agree with reader
Katie Orr. I simply don’t like small print on a black background. I
can’t read. Merry Christmas and keep up the good work.

Octavia Moy – San Francisco, California

Scary thought

Yes, I read about the “impressive” knowledge the CIA has of Brazil
(Rapidinhas December 95). Capital: Rio de Janeiro, pictures of Buenos
Aires. Yeah well, the way I see it, it could be a lot worse. Just
imagine, all you out there who love Brazil, if one day you found out
they were familiar with terms like “orixá”, “axé”, Zumbi. Isn’t that
thought frightening? Please print my address. I’d love to hear from
others who feel about Brazil as I do.

Kirsten Weinoldt – 204 Laurel St. – W. Boylston, MA 01583

One more year

I’ve been enjoying your great magazine for three years now and would
like to subscribe to my fourth year. I’d like to see a chat-room like
part where we could communicate with other Brazilians through your
magazine. In your November issue there is a letter about questions that
are not answered and there are times when I would like to communicate
with some of the people who write to you and I can’t since there aren’t
any addresses to write to. Keep up your wonderful job and do not raise
your price. Although people think it’s cheap, it’s because of the price
that a lot of us subscribe.

Maria Mercês Schmidt – Phillips, Nebraska

Only the best

I love your magazine. You are the best source of information about
contemporary life in Brazil, perhaps better than anything in Brazil as
well. Your articles about racism and Afro-Brazilians have been
particularly appreciated. Keep up the good work.

Becky Holt – Seattle, Washington

Spreading Brazil

It is nice to know that there are people (outside of Brazil) working
to divulge the Brazilian culture in the US and in other countries. I
can’t wait to receive my first issue.

Joana Valença – Nashville, Tennessee

Open to all

I am from Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil) and I am living in Eugene,
Oregon (USA) temporarily. I was very glad to find out, just recently,
about your magazine on the Internet. This is a fast and easy way to be
informed about my country. Thank you!

I also was surprised about the fact that readers can write too. It’s
a great idea. But, how does it work? I mean, can we write about
anything that has to do with Brazil? I hope to find the answers on the
December issue.

Bernardo Jurema – University of Oregon

All, but my magazine

Please, make the change of address as soon as possible so I can
receive my magazine at my new place. I missed last month’s issue and I
cannot survive without it.

Roberta Heier – Alameda, California

How do you write this?

Thank you very much for the excellent August 95 issue. I am especially grateful for Wilson Velloso’s Idiom Idiots.
There was a “reform” right after I left Brazil in `73. I lost count of
those “reforms” our language has gone through which so often makes me
question my ability to write in my mother tongue. Thank you very much
for such a down to earth and entertaining publication. Keep up the good

Marina Archibald – Vacaville, California

Be our guest

I am excited to discover the existence of this publication, from
links explored from my own Web page, which has many Brazilian links.
With your permission, I will advertise the link to it as follows:
http://www.earthlink.net/brazzil – A monthly online magazine about
Brazil. Very inexpensive mail subscription available also. Do many
people think your Web address URL has a typographical error because of
the double z? I will mail my $3 today and maybe add some gift
subscriptions for friends.

Alan Alan Apurim – Houston, Texas


Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season. Wishing you all a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you for all your wonderful issues
during this year and wishing all the best for 1996.

Fábio B. Miranda – Long Island City, New York

Vive la différence

Sua revista é bem diferente dos pasquins brasileiros que recebo em
restaurantes brasileiros. Acho que o caminho é este e espero que vocês
possam conseguir crescer e adicionar cada vez mais artigos de interesse
daqueles, brasileiros ou não, que tenham um motivo para saber das
notícias do Brasil. Por isto estou enviando pagamento da assinatura,
que é excessivamente barata. Parabéns e contem comigo, se precisarem,
quem sabe, de informações para a revista.

Franklin França-Pereira – Torrance, California

Nothing is missing

Li a “short story” o Casarão Amarelo e gostei muito da história, mas na sua homepage só há uma parte. Como é que isso funciona? Eu tenho que comprar o artigo?

Leandro Duarte – On the Internet

We will size it up

Gostaria de mais informações a respeito de como fazer para submeter um artigo para publicação em sua revista. No homepage
da Web está escrito que a extensão das matérias varia de 800 a 4,000
palavras “depending on the subject.” Qual seria o tamanho máximo para
um artigo sobre política no Brasil? Aproveito para dizer que achei sua
revista super-excelente.

Mariano Magalhães – University of Iowa – Iowa City, Iowa

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