Tag: jobs

Brazil’s Unemployment Down for December and the Year 2008

In Brazil, the unemployment rate in the country's six largest metropolitan regions was 7.9% ...

Lost Your Job on Wall Street? Head for Brazil!

The financial crisis which has hit American and European banks has cost tens of ...

Jobs in Brazil’s Civil Construction Grow 400%

Civil construction was the sector of the Brazilian economy that recorded the highest increase ...

Brazilian Labor Minister Luiz Marinho

Brazil Creates a Quarter of a Million Jobs This Year

In February, 148,019 formal jobs were created in Brazil, according to a report published ...

Contradicting Experts Brazilian Jobless Reach 10.7%. Worst in 15 months

Brazil’s unemployment rate for July, 10.7%, is the highest one in 15 months, according ...

Jobs Grow 3.65% in First Half, in Sí£o Paulo, Brazil

The level of employment in the industrial sector in the state of São Paulo ...

Brazil Creates Close to 200,000 New Jobs in May, Less than April or May 2005

198,837 new formal jobs (with signed working papers) were created in May, in Brazil, ...

Mediocre Results: 9,000 New Jobs Created in Brazil

Employment levels in the Brazilian southeastern state of São Paulo industrial sector remained practically ...

Brazil Creates Over Half a Million New Jobs. A Record.

The level of formal employment, that is, jobs with signed working papers, grew 0.87% ...

Jobless in Brazil Grow to 2.3 Million: a 10.4% Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate in the six largest Brazilian metropolitan areas was 10.4% in March, ...