Global Food Price Hikes Give 18% Boost to Sí£o Paulo, Brazil, Farm Revenues

Brazilian coffee The agricultural production value in São Paulo, Brazil, should end the year at 37.7 billion, which should represent growth of 18.4% over last year, in current terms, and 11.6% in real terms, discounting inflation. The estimate was provided by the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo.

The study shows that the growth of production is due to price hikes in most products. Without counting the production of sugarcane, the value reaches 24.9 billion Brazilian reais (US$ 10,4 billion), a volume 22% greater than bilateral trade and 15% in deflated value in comparison to last year.

Several products researched, like grain, meats and coffee presented price increases. The production of sugarcane and coffee also maintains a tendency for growth. In total, 50 products were studied, with the prices of 36 having grown, 13 dropped and just sugarcane remained stable. With regard to production, 28 presented growth and 22, reductions. With regard to the value of production, 34 items grew and 16 fell.

Among the products that grew most, in terms of value, the most prominent are steel (174.8%), beans (110.6%), sorghum (97.6%) and pineapple (62.6%). Those that presented most expressive reduction in production were pepper (38.6%), tomato for industrial use (34.5%), cabbage (28.5%) and mango (28.2%).

Among the leaders in the ranking in terms of production volume in 2008, the first four products were cane, beef, oranges for industrial use and chicken.



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