Brazil Hosts Economic Meeting in Preparation for Davos Forum

World Economic Forum Brazil is getting ready to host a Latin American economic encounter. More than 500 political, social and economic leaders from 37 countries will meet next week in Rio for the World Economic Forum on Latin America, the organizers announced.

The Brazil Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex) helps the World Economic Forum organize the event, which will take place on April 14 to 16, and will be supported by the Brazilian government and the Rio de Janeiro State Government.

The Forum's program is built around five thematic pillars: responding proactively to the economic slowdown, building bridges among regions, integration to build a better future, public policies for sustainable growth, and challenges and opportunities for a green development cycle.

According to the organizers, most of the participants – about 75% – are businessmen, mostly CEOs and high executives.

"We are very satisfied with the number and quality of the participants," said the Forum Director, Emilio Lozoya Austin.

The opening speech, under the theme "Implications of the Global Economic Crisis for Latin America," will be made by Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Colombia's President Alvaro Uribe and Dominica's President Leonel Fernandez will also be present.

The discussions carried out in the Latin American Forum will be taken to the World Economic Forum's annual meeting, which takes place in Davos, Switzerland.



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