Brazil: Army Joins War Against Deforestation

The Tauató Operation, to prevent, limit, and punish illegal deforestation, squatting, and slave-like labor, has already served lumber companies with 40 violation writs, which amount to US$ 7.42 million (22 million reais) in fines. The operation has been underway for three weeks in the states of Acre, Amazonas, and Rondônia.

According to Anselmo Forneck, Executive Manager of the
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) in
Acre, approximately 12 thousand cubic meters of wood were seized””nine thousand
in areas occupied by squatters and on federal government lands, he reported.

According to the Manager of the Ibama in Amazonas, Henrique Pereira, 500
kilometers of clandestine roads were scouted, and five empty campsites used by
woodsmen were discovered. “We began the operation earlier this year than last.
We are thus acting preventively to forestall acts of deforestation,” Pereira
pointed out.

In addition to the Ibama, the Federal Police, the Army, the
Forest Battalion of the Amazonas Military Police, and the Amazônia Protection
System (Sipam) are taking part in the operation, which is part of the National
Program to Combat Deforestation and Burnings in the Amazon.

About 80 people in the region are involved. According to the
Ibama’s advisory staff in the Amazon, Operation Tauató is funded through the
federal government’s Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation
in the Amazônia Administrative Region (Deforest Plan).

Agência Brasil

Reporter: Keite Camacho
Translator: David Silberstein


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