Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine

Gula (Gluttony)—Part of a project to stage the seven deadly sins.
Researched and written by Leonardo Sá, directed by Ana Kfouri. Espaço Cultural Sérgio
Porto. Text by close to 30 authors, including Clarice Lispector, Luis Fernando Veríssimo,
Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Beckett, Freud, and Günter Grass. Among the six characters
there is the "bad slim", the guy who overeats, but does not gain weight.

A Mais Forte (The Strongest Woman)—Drama. Directed by August
Strindberg, with Cesar Tavares and Renata Collaço. Two women talking on Christmas live
show how deceptive has been their lives. Casa de Cultura Margarida Rey.

Relax…It’s Sex—Music comedy. Written, directed and composed by
Wolf Maya, with Adriana Garambone and Danielle Winits. Common people in unusual
circumstances, like a man falling in love with the voice of a telesex girl. Teatro Café

A Falecida (The Dead Woman)—Drama. By Nelson Rodrigues, directed by
Robert McCrea with the São Paulo Cia. de Teatro Fábrica. Zulmira wants to be buried like
a chief of state and raises hell for that. Teatro Sesc Tijuca.

A Bofetada (Hard Blow)—Three classics of besteirol (nonsense
theater) written by Miguel Magno, Mauro Rasi and Ricardo Almeida. Directed by Fernando
Guerreiro with Cia. Baiana da Patifaria. Teatro do Leblon.

A Família É Tudo (Family Is Everything)—Drama. Written and
directed by Fernando Berto, with Beth Schmitz, Rita Waehneldt, Marta Rosa, Angélica
Breyer and Marco Antônio. A large family gets together to celebrate the 80th
birthday of its patriarch and goes in crisis when a granddaughter shows up with her
boyfriend. Espaço Cultural dos Correios

Cartas de Rodez (Rodez Letters)—Drama. Based on the letters French
playwright Antonin Artaud (1896-1948) wrote his doctor when he was at the Rodez mental
institution where he was submitted to several electroshock sessions. Directed by Ana
Teixeira, with Stephane Brodt. Teatro Benjamim Constant.

Opereta—O Homem Que Sabia Português (Operetta—The Man Who Knew
Portuguese)—Comedy. Written by Tim Rescala, directed by Chico Pelúcio, with
Maurício Tizumba, Regina Spósio, and Marina Machado. A fortyish Portuguese teacher tries
to find a wife though the newspaper personals. Teatro Villa Lobos

Ensaio para Danton (Rehearsal for Danton)—Drama. Written by Georg
Büchner, directed by Márcio Marciano and Sérgio de Carvalho, with Companhia do Latão.
Adapted from The Death of Danton, which occurs during the French Revolution. Teatro


Pequena História do Brasil _ 500 Anos em 50 Minutos (Short Story of
Brazil—500 Years in 50 Minutes)—Comedy. Text and direction by Tuna Serzedello,
with Maria Lima and Soledad Yunge. As the title says, a brief story of the country,
starting with the discovery and going up to the current Fernando Henrique Cardoso
administration. Espaço Cultural Inglesa.

Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias (Memoirs of a Militia
Sergeant)—Comedy. Classic text by Manuel Antônio de Almeida adapted and directed by
José Paulo Rosa, with Regina Pessoa, Rafael Burgath, and Zhé Gomes. A portrait of the
common folks during colonial Brazil. Teatro Lucas Pardo Filho.

Um Certo Faroeste Caboclo (A Certain Hillbilly Western)—Musical.
Directed by Paulo Faria, with Beto Magnani and Daniel Alvim. A landless peasant goes to
talk to the president and become a dangerous bandit. Inspired by a Renato Russo song.
Centro Cultural Elenko

Qualquer Gato Vira-Lata Tem uma Vida Sexual mais Sadia Que a Nossa Comédia
(Any Street Cat Has a Healthier Sexual Life than Our Comedy)—Written by Juca de
Oliveira, directed by Bibi Ferreira, with Giuseppe Oristanio, Rita Guedes, and Felipe
Folgosi. Professor creates a revolutionary theory of love conquest, but ends up falling in
his own trap. Teatro Bibi Ferreira

Que Mistérios Tem Clarice? (What Mysteries Does Clarice
Have?)—Comedy. It uses short stories, letters, interviews and newspapers columns
written by celebrated writer Clarice Lispector. Adapted by Luiz Arthur Nunes and Mário
Pragibe. Directed by Luiz Arthur Nunes, with Rita Elmôr. Teatro Next.

1492—Musical. The life and adventures of Christopher Columbus, based
on Ridley Scott’s movie. Adapted and directed by Deto Montenegro, with Estela Cassilatti
and Evelyn Klein. Teatro Dias Gomes.

As Filhas da Mãe (Mom’s Daughters)—Comedy. Directed by Gilda
Vandenbrande, with Ronaldo Ciambroni and Anna Cláudiah Vidal. An overprotective mother
does what she can and can’t to guarantee her two daughters’ success. Teatro Martins Penna.


Just-released American movies: Deep blue sea (Do Fundo Do Mar), The 13º
warrior (O 13º Guerreiro), Bowfinger (Os Picaretas), Random hearts (Destinos Cruzados),
In Dreams (A Premonição), Crazy in Alabama (Loucos do Alabama), Cookie’s Fortune (A
Fortuna de Cookie)

No Coração dos Deuses (In the Heart of
Gods)—Brazil/1999—Action. Directed by Geraldo Moraes, with Antônio Fagundes,
Roberto Bomfim, Cosme dos Santos, Regina Dourado, Tonico Pereira, Iara Jamra, Bruno
Torres. A group of adventures travel back in time while trying to reenact the gold-seeking
expedition of bandeirante Anhangüera in the 17th Century.

O Primeiro Dia (The First Day)—Brazil/1999—Drama. Directed by
Walter Salles Júnior, with Fernanda Torres. It’s December 31, 1999. Two youngsters from
opposite worlds get together on the roof of a building in Rio.

Mauá—O Imperador e o Rei (Mauá—The Emperor and the
King)—Brazil/1998—Directed by Sérgio Rezende, with Paulo Betti, Othon Bastos,
and Malu Mader. Irineu Evangelista de Souza, the Mauá Baron and Viscount is only 30 and
considered the richest man on earth. Emperor Dom Pedro II gets jealous.

Dois Córregos (Two Brooks)—Brazil/1999—Drama. Directed by Luis
Villaça, with Beth Goulart, Ingra Liberato and Carlos A. Riccelli. Story narrated in
flashback. The antics and dilemmas of Ana Paula and her friend Lydia at the family’s ranch
in Dois Córregos.

Serial Lover (Serial Lover)—France/1998—Comedy. Directed
by James Huth with Michèle Laroque and Albert Dupontel. Courted by three men a
35-year-old woman decides do marry. Things get complicated when by mistake she kills one
of them.

Todo Sobre Mi Madre (Tudo Sobre Minha Mãe)—Spain/France,
1999—Drama. By Pedro Almodóvar, with Cecilia Roth and Marisa Paredes. After death of
son, who died without knowing who his father was, mother goes looking for ex-husband, a
transvestite, to tell him about the son he never knew he had.

Nono Me Dejes Nunca (Tango)—Spain/Argentina, 1998—Drama.
Directed by Carlos Saura, with Miguel Angel Sola and Cecília Narova. An author and
director start rehearsing a tango show to distract from his own personal problems.

O Viajante (The Traveler)—Brazil/1998—Drama—Directed by
Paulo César Saraceni, with Marília Pêra, Jairo Mattos, Leandra Leal, and Míriam
Pérsia. How the arrival of a salesman changes the life of a Minas Gerais state little


1 O testamento, John Grisham. Rocco, R$ 29.50

2 A casa dos budas ditosos, Luxúria, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Objetiva, R$

3 Histórias brasileiras de verão, Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Objetiva,
R$ 27

4 Hannibal, Thomas Harris. Record, R$ 30

5 Eterna privação do zagueiro absoluto, Luis Fernando Veríssimo.
Objetiva, R$ 19.50

6 Musashi vol. 2, Eiji Yoshikawa. Estação Liberdade, R$ 48

7 Ramsés vol. 4, a dama de Abu-Simbel, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 30

8 Canoas e marolas, João Gilberto Noll. Objetiva, R$ 15

9 Terapia, Ariel Dorfman. Objetiva, R$ 19

10 O Clube dos anaw6kx, Gula, Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Objetiva, R$ 16.80


1 As melhores piadas do Planeta e da Casseta também, vol. 3, Casseta e
Planeta. Objetiva, R$ 14

2 Ela é carioca, Ruy Castro. Companhia das Letras, R$ 33.50

3 Estação Carandiru, Drauzio Varella. Companhia das Letras, R$ 26

4 Capitães do Brasil, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 24.50

5 Eu, cabo Anselmo, Percival Alves de Souza. Globo, R$ 27

6 A viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 18

7 203 maneiras de enlouquecer um homem na cama. Olivia Saint-Claire.
Ediouro, R$ 10.90

8 208 maneiras de deixar um homem louco de desejo, Margot Saint-Loup
Ediouro, R$ 9.90

9 Chico Buarque, Regina Zappa. Relume Dumará, R$ R$ 15

10 Náufragos, traficantes e degredados, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$


1 Dominando o Linux, Matt Welsh e Lar Kaufman. Ciência Moderna, R$ 59

2 Guia Internet de conectividade, Cyclades Brasil. R$ 15

3 HTML dinâmico, José Antônio Ramalho. Berkeley, R$ 94

4 Dominando o Delphi 4, A Bíblia, Marco Cantu. Makron, R$ 135

5 Manual completo do hacker, Spyman. Book Express, R$ 45

6 A Internet e os hackers, Márcio José Vasconcellos. Chantal, R$ 39

7 Aprenda em 21 dias Photoshop 5, Michael Clark. Campus, R$ 69.90

8 Montagem de micros: curso básico e rápido, Gabriel Torres. Axcel
Books, R$ 29

9 Linux: guia prático em português, Heverton Anunciação. Erica, R$ 55

10 Autocad 14 passo a passo, Lite. Makron, R$ 22

According to Jornal do Brasil,

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