Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

In cases where regulations have to be confronted, Brazilians pride
themselves on being especially creative in their array and variety of gambits suitable for
bending rules. Some veteran despachantes seemed to have magical powers. Passports
for which mere mortals had to wait on line for hours, then return to wait a second, third,
or fourth time at the Federal Police headquarters, were issued in minutes. Documents not
available at all by legal means materialized the same way.
By Brazzil Magazine

movies &
best-seller books



Juveníssimo —Written by Millôr Fernandes and Flávio Marinho.
Directed by Flávio Marinho. Comedy. Over 70,000 people have already seen this collection
of international texts about youngsters and their conflicts. With Tadeu Aguiar and Tina
Águas. Teatro Clara Nunes.

Auto da Compadecida (Auto of the Compassionate Lady)—By Ariano
Suassuna. Classic of Brazilian dramaturgy turned into a multimedia show by directors
Antônio Abujamra and João Fonseca. João Grilo and his tribulations to solemnly bury his
dog. He ends up on a heavenly court before God, the Devil and the Virgin Mary. With Os
F… Privilegiados. Teatro Dulcina.

Um Bonde Chamado Desejo (A Streetcar Named Desire)—Tennessee Williams’s
classic commemorating the 50th anniversary of its first staging in Brazil. Directed by
Kiko Jaess. With Flávia Pucci, Roberto Bomtempo, Irving São Paulo, and Fábio Pilar.
Niterói’s Municipal Theater.

Brasil S. A. (Brazil Inc.)—Written by industrialist-turned-playwright
Antônio Ermírio de Moraes. Directed by Marcos Caruso. Conflicts of an industrialist when
he decides to go into the pharmaceutical business. With Lucinha Lins, Jonas Bloch, and
Rogério Márcico. Teatro Adolfo Bloch.

As Meninas (The Girls)— Based on Lygia Fagundes Telles’s novel of same
name. Adapted by Francis Mayer. The adventures of Lia, Lorena, and Ana Clara at a
for-girls-only boarding school. With Juliana Martins, Bianca Rinaldi, and Daniela Faria.
Teatro Cândido Mendes.


Ela (She)—By Jean Genet. Directed by Zé Celso. Translated by Zé Celso
and Catherine Hirsch. Interpreting life through the eyes of a photographer. With Marcelo
Drummond, Fransérgio Araújo, and Vadin Nikitin. Teatro Oficina.

Sinfonia de uma Noite Inquieta ou Livro do Desassossego (Symphony of a Restless
Night or Book of Disquietude)—
Inspired by the work of Bernardo Soares, one of
Fernando Pessoa’s heteronyms. Adapted and directed by William Pereira. With Adriana
Mendonça, Patrícia Zuppi, Frederico Foroni and César Guirão. ECA’s (Communication and
Art School) Laboratory Theatre.

Zambaione —Written and directed by Lena Whitaker. The sweet-sour
emotions of being in love. With Aury Porto, Diogo Granato, and Lena Whitaker. At Piccolo
Espaço Cultural

Pérola (Pearl)—Written and directed by Mauro Rasi. A comic view of a
family from the interior during the ’50s. With Vera Holtz, Sérgio Mamberti, Cláudio
Fontana, Sônia Guedes, Lúcia Romano, and Edgar Amorim. Teatro Jardel Filho.


American films just released: The Jackal (O Chacal), Anastasia
(Anastasia), Sunday (Domingo É Dia), The Devil’s Advocate (Advogado do Diabo)

Viagem ao Princípio do Mundo (Trip to the Beginning of the World)—Portugal/France—1996—French
actor goes in search of his roots in Portugal. Directed by Manuel de Oliveira with
Marcello Mastroianni, Leonor Silveira, and Isabel de Castro

Ma Vie en Rose (Minha Vida em Cor-de-Rosa)—Belgium/France/England—1997—By
Alain Berliner. With Michele Laroque, Georges du Fresne, and Jean-Philippe Ecoffey. A
little boy fantasizes about being a girl, creating chaos at home.

The Sweet Hereafter (O Doce Amanhã)—Canada—1996— By Atom
Egoyan. With Ian Holm, Sarah Polley, and Bruce Greenwood. A Canada little town ordeal
after several kids are killed in a school-bus accident.

Ta’m-e-Ghilass (Gosto de Cereja)—Iran—1996—Directed by Abbas
Kiarostami. With Homayun Ershadi and Abdolhossein Baghesi. A man in search of someone to
help him kill himself.

O Noviço Rebelde (The Rebellious Novice)—Brazil—1997—
Directed by Tizuka Yamasaki. With Renato Aragão, Dedé Santana, Patrícia Pillar, and
Tony Ramos. Comedy. A runaway novice goes to work as a babysitter in Rio.

Unagi (A Enguia)—Japan—1997—Directed by Shoei Imamura. With
Koji Yakusho, Misa Shimizu, and Mitsuko Baisho. Wife killer starts new life after eight
years in prison. Winner of Cannes’s Golden Palm.


1. O Plano Perfeito, Sidney Sheldon. Record, 300 p. R$25

2. Todos os Nomes, José Saramago. Companhia das Letras, 280 p. R$20

3. O Livro das Virtudes para Crianças, William J. Bennett. Nova Fronteira,
112 p. R$19

4. Minutos de Sabedoria, Torres Pastorino. Vozes, 280 p. R$3,80

5. A Senhora de Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Rocco, 504 p. R$28

6. O Feitiço da Ilha do Pavão, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Nova Fronteira 324 p.

7. A Versão dos Afogados, Luís Fernando Veríssimo. L&PM, 344 p. R$22

8. A Casa do Poeta Trágico, Carlos Heitor Cony. Companhia das Letras, 184
p. R$18

9. Novas Comédias da Vida Privada, Luís Fernando Veríssimo. L&PM,
344 p. R$21,60

10. Ícone, Frederick Forsyth. Record, 560 p. R$25


1. Verdade Tropical, Caetano Veloso. Companhia das Letras, 524 p. R$27

2. Nova York É Aqui, Nelson Motta. Objetiva, 218 p. R$21,80

3. Inteligência Emocional, Daniel Goleman. Objetiva, 376 p. R$34,50

4. As Melhores Piadas do Planeta e da Casseta, Casseta e Planeta. Objetiva,
128 p. R$10

5. As Sete Leis Espirituais do Sucesso, Deepak Chopra. Best Seller 104 p.

6. Ernesto Geisel, Celso Castro and Maria Celina D’Araújo. FGV, 496p. R$28

7. O Sucesso É Ser Feliz, Roberto Shinyashiki. Gente, 198 p. R$20

8. 203 Maneiras de Enlouquecer um Homem na Cama, Olívia Claire. Ediouro,
125 p. R$10

9. Sanduíches de Realidade, Arnaldo Jabor. Objetiva, 280 p. R$22

10. Cazuza: Só as Mães São Felizes, Lucinha Araújo. Globo, 397 p. R$27


1. Pentium Expert, Laércio Vasconcelos. LVC, 450 p. R$30

2. Iniciação ao Windows 95, José A. Ramalho. Makron Books, 240 p. R$24,75

3. Usando o Visual Basic 5, Michael McKelvy and Ronald R. Martinsen. Campus,
1124 p. R$98

4. Windows 95—Rápido e Fácil para Iniciantes, Sue Plumley. Campus,
272 p. R$31,90

5. Dominando o Delphi 2 para Windows 95, Marco Cantu. Makron Books 914 p.

According to Jornal do Brazil

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