Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Immobilism and stalemate are inappropriate terms to
describe Brazilian politics today. The political process is highly fluid with new
coalitions and alliances being born every day in the Congress. This is a system that moves
quickly to react to—and to protect—the local and state interests of the
incumbent political and economic elites.
By Brazzil Magazine



A Besta do Marido (The Husband’s Beast)—Two by Anton Chekov. Short
monologues interpreted by Isaac Bernat. The stories of two men whose marriages were a
failure. David Herman directs Os Males do Fumo (Tobacco’s Harm) and Cláudio Torres
Gonzaga is responsible for Um Papel Trágico (A Tragic Role) in which a man slaves
so his wife may have the good life. Teatro Estação Beira-Mar.

Como Nasce um Cabra da Peste (How a Brave Northeastern Man Is Born)—Written
by Altimar Pimentel, directed by Eliézer Filho and presented by a revelation from the
state of Paraíba, the Agitada Gang. What happens when a woman gets pregnant in the
Northeast. Teatro Nélson Rodrigues

O Guarani (The Guarani Indian)—Based on one of the monuments of romanticism
in Brazil, O Guarani by José de Alencar, written 140 years ago. Adapted to the
stage by screenwriter and journalist Angélica Lopes. Matheus Rocha interprets warrior
Indian Peri and Samara Fillipo, innocent Ceci. Directed by Cláudio Hendrey. Teatro Rubens
Corrêa (former Teatro Ipanema).

Que Mistérios Tem Clarice (What Mysteries Does Clarice Have)—With text by
late writer Clarice Lispector. Directed by Luiz Arthur Nunes. Rita Elmôr, who looks a lot
like Lispector, has used the money she got from the insurance after losing her car for
staging this spectacle. Teatro do Museu da República

Sob um Carrossel de Neons (Under a Neons’ Merry-go-round)—A mother is the
only person at her son’s wake. Written and directed by Paschoal Villaboim with Sônia
Zagury and Leonardo Serrano. Teatro Posto Seis


Coração na Boca (Heart in Mouth)—A couple relives a ménage à trois when
they reencounter a long-lost friend. Written by Chico Azevedo, directed by Ticiana Studart
with Miwa Yanagizawa, Carlos Takeshi, and Leonardo Netto. Teatro Hilton.

Corra que o Papai Vem Aí (Run Because Daddy Is Coming)—A father’s surprise
visit reveals that his son is gay. Comedy written by Ron Clark and Sam Bobrick. Directed
by Ary Fontoura with Ary Fontoura, Amélia Bittencourt, and Leandro Ribeiro. Teatro Bibi

Figuras de Pai (Father Figures)—How fathers are seen in different cultures
and times. Written, directed and interpreted by storyteller Tininha Calazans. Freddo Café

Homem Branco e Cara Vermelha (White Man and Red Face)—Lost in the desert
with his daughter a man to survive has to prevent an Indian from committing suicide.
Written by George Tabori, directed by Wolfgang Pannek. With Linneu Dias, Maura Baiocchi,
and Antônio Galleão. Teatro do Instituto Goethe.

Malditos Mauricinhos (Damn Yuppies)—Comedy with two couples who become
hostages of a drug trafficker. Written and directed by Marco Farias. With Marcos Piatry,
Sandra Nascimento, and Selma Braga.

Pedro, o Cru (Peter, the Raw)—Inspired by Camões account of Portuguese
prince Peter’s passion for Inês de Castro. Written and directed by Georgette Fadel.
Tusp—Centro Universitário Maria Antônia.

As Polacas (The Polish Women)—Based on the real story of Jew prostitutes
working in Brazil in the early 1900s. Based on Esther Largman’s Jovens Polacas
(Young Polish Women). Directed by Iacov Hillel. Teatro Maria Della Costa.


American movies just released: Armageddon (Armageddon), Dream With
the Fishes (O Acordo), The Graduate (A Primeira Noite de um Homem), Hard Rain
(Tempestade), Lethal Weapon 4 (Máquina Mortífera 4), A Life Less Ordinary (Por uma Vida
Menos Ordinária), Mad City (O Quarto Poder), Les Misérables (Os Miseráveis), The Real
Blonde (Uma Loira de Verdade), Species 2 (A Experiência 2: A Mutação), Twilight
(Fugindo do Passado), Wild Man Blues (Woody Allen in Concert)

O Amor Está no Ar (Love Is in the Air)—Brasil/1995—By Amylton de Almeida
with Eliane Giardini and Marcos Palmeira. Lady radio reporter gets involved with younger

Bahia de Todos os Sambas (Bahia of All the
Sambas)—Brazil-Italy/1983/96—Documentary by Leon Hirszman and Paulo César
Saraceni about a series of shows in the early ’80s in Rome by Brazilian musicians. Among
the performers: João Gilberto, Caetano Veloso, Gal Costa, and Dorival Caymmi.

Bela Donna (Pretty Lady)—Brazil/1998—Directed by Fábio Barreto with
Eduardo Moscovis and Natasha Henstridge. A forbidden love story during Second World War
between a Brazilian fisherman and a foreign lady. Based on Riacho Doce (Sweet
Brook) by José Lins do Rego. With Eduardo Moscovis and foreigners Natasha Henstridge and
Andrew McCarthy. Already sold to 40 countries including USA.

O Ébrio (The Drunkard)—Brazil/1946—By Gilda de Abreu with Vicente
Celestino, Alice Archambeau, Rodolfo Arena, and Walter d’Ávila. A phenomenon of the
Brazilian cinematography the film was seen by 4 million people between 1946 and 1950. It
has become a cult melodrama and comes back in a restored copy. Betrayed by his wife, a
doctor becomes an alcoholic.

Um Gesto a Mais (A Further
Gesture)—England-Germany-Ireland-Japan/1997—By Robert Dornhelm, with Michael
Collis, Rosana Pastor, and Alfred Molina. Former IRA activist moves to the U.S. for a new
life, but cannot get rid of his past.


1Veronika decide morrer, Paulo Coelho. Objetiva, 221 p. R$15.

2 O mundo de Sofia, Jostein Gaarder. Companhia das Letras, 555 p. R$26,50.

3 Através do espelho, Jostein Gaarder. Companhia das Letras, 144 p. R$17.

4 O plano perfeito, Sidney Sheldon. Record, 300 p. R$25.

5 A águia e a galinha, Leonardo Boff. Vozes, 206 p. R$16.

6 Despertar da águia, Leonardo Boff. Vozes, 174 p. R$12.

7 O Pequeno Príncipe, Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Agir, 95 p. R$13.

8 O homem que calculava, Malba Tahan. Record, 218 p. R$19.

9 A senhora de Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Rocco, 504 p. R$28.

10 O Servo dos Ossos, Anne Rice. Rocco, 384 p. R$28.


1 Câncer tem cura, Frei Romano Zago. Vozes, 208 p. R$10.

2 As profecias sem mistério, Paiva Netto. Elevação, 255 p. R$16.

3 As melhores piadas do planeta e da Casseta, Casseta e Planeta. Objetiva, 128
p. R$10.

4 177 maneiras de enlouquecer uma mulher na cama, Margot Saint-Loup. Ediouro,
128 p. R$10,90.

5 Conversando com os Espíritos, James Van Praagh. Salamandra, 224 p. R$15,60.

6 Chic homem, manual de moda e estilo, Glória Kalil. Senac, 237 p. R$45.

7 O sucesso é ser feliz, Roberto Shinyashi. Gente, 198 p. R$20.

8 Minutos de sabedoria, Torres Pastorino. Vozes, 280 p. R$4,29.

9 As sete leis espirituais do sucesso, Deepak Chopra. Best Seller, 103 p.

10 A viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, 148 p. R$16,00.


1 Violetas na janela, Vera Lúcia M. de Carvalho. Petit, 139 p. R$9,50.

2 O pequeno príncipe, Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Agir, 95 p. R$13.

3 O homen que calculava, Malba Tahan. Record, 218 p. R$19.

4 O livro das virtudes para crianças, William J. Bennett. Nova Fronteira, 112
p. R$19.

5 Coisas que toda garota deve saber, Samantha Rugen. Melhoramentos, 104 p.

According to Jornal do Brasil

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