Brazil and Ukraine Talk Satellites and Rockets

Brazil and Ukraine gave a step forward to intensify their commercial relations and to speed up negotiations on their agreement about launching satellites through the Ukrainian rocket Cyclone-4, in the Alcântara Space Base, located in the Brazilian Northeastern state of Maranhão.

The Ministers of Foreign Relations of Ukraine, Borys Tarassiuk, and of Brazil, Celso Amorim, talked in Brasí­lia about bilateral cooperation subjects, such as the creation of a binational company to adjust the infrastructure of the Alcântara Space Base for the Ukrainian launching vehicle.

Both governments expect the first satellite launching to happen in December of 2006. Negotiations for the creation of the joint venture company have not yet been concluded.

In an interview to Agência Brasil, Minister Borys Tarassiuk said that Ukraine has finished deliberations about the joint venture company.

“Agreements have been ratified by the Ukrainian parliament, therefore there are no problems on the part of Ukraine. At the same time, we are waiting for some steps on the Brazilian side,” he stated.

For the effective establishment of the company, Brazil still needs to define the state-owned company who will participate on the common project set up by the two countries.

Chancellor Celso Amorim and Minister Borys Tarassiuk talked about the issue and, according to the Ukrainian Minister, they are getting closer to a solution.

“We need the confirmation of the agreements signed by the Executives, as well as the conclusion of bilateral treats for the creation of the joint venture company”, the minister said.

Tarassiuk affirmed that both Brazil and Ukraine will benefit from the cooperation, which also foresees the exchange of technological knowledge between the two countries.

“Considering that the global satellite market demand is very high, I think that our countries can benefit from this market,” he affirmed.

The company will operate under the joint coordination of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and of the National Space Agency of Ukraine (NSAU).

Agência Brasil


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