Egypt Seeks Closer Ties to Brazil and Mercosur

Egyptian interests were contemplated in the proposal of the declaration of the summit between Arab and South American countries, to take place on May 10th and 11th in Brazilian capital BrasÀ­lia.

This information was provided to the Brazil-Arab News Agency, Tuesday, May 3, by the head of the Americans Department at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Shadia Hussein Fhamy Farrag.

“Egypt hopes for more trade and investment,” she said. Farrag said last week that the proposal for the declaration, approved by the Foreign Ministers of the countries involved during their meeting in Marrakech in March, suggests that the Arab and South American nations create all possible mechanisms to increase bi-regional trade and promote partnerships in strategic sectors, like energy, transport, telecommunications and research.

Shadia recalled that the text was amply discussed for six months by diplomats in both blocs. “We all stated our ideas and this declaration represents these ideas very well,” she said.

“Egypt wants greater understanding between both regions, with cooperation in the political, economic and cultural areas,” she added.

The Egyptian delegation that is going to Brazil to participate in the summit will be led by the minister of Foreign Relations of the Arab country, Ahmad Aboul Gheit, who should arrive in Brasí­lia on the 8th.

The business mission will be led by Ashraf El Attal, president of the Brazil-Egypt Business Counci and honorary Brazilian consul in Alexandria. El Attal is also the owner of Egyptian Traders Co., an organization that operates in foreign trade of commodities.

Apart from participation in the events to take place in parallel to the summit in Brasí­lia, the businessmen are going to be in São Paulo on May 12th and 13th for a seminar and business roundtables promoted by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCAB).

ANBA – Brazil-Arab News Agency


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