Mexico and Argentina Oppose Brazil’s UN Bid

Brazilian Ambassador José Viegas said he relies on “Latin countries consensus” on Brazil’s bid for a permanent seat in the United Nation’s (UN) Security Council. Thursday, May 5, in Argentina, Viegas concluded his official mission seeking the support of South-American countries.

Viegas, ex-Minister of Defense, said that he visited all Spanish-speaking countries in South America, and that the “majority has expressed support for Brazil as a permanent member of the Security Council.”

According to the ambassador, however, Mexico, Argentina, and Uruguay did not join the group, because they disagree on the reform model defended by the Brazilian government.

“Brazil supports new memberships for the Council. As the process evolves, the countries will accommodate their opinion. We are confident that there will be a regional consensus following this solid majority,” Viegas said.

The Ambassador revealed that the objective of the trip was to explain to neighboring countries the vision Brazil has about the reform.

“Brazil proposes to be a Latin American member in the Council. We see this regional attribution as an opportunity to solidly represent the region,” he explained.

This point of view, Viegas added, was carefully detailed to the vice-chancellor of Argentina, Jorge Taiana, who was receptive.

“I told Taiana that we are willing to work together with them. We have the desire to work well with all of our neighbors, especially with Argentina,” he stressed.

Agência Brasil


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