Gathered in Brazil Latin America Defines How to Fight Digital Exclusion

During the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Ministerial Conference, to be held from Wednesday, June 8, to Friday, June 10, in Rio de Janeiro, Latin American and Caribbean Ministers and government officials will define the participation of regional representatives in the WSIS.

The WSIS is the World Summit on the Information Society and its second phase will take place in November, in Tunisia.

The meeting in Rio is being organized by the Brazilian government, with the support of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLA).

The event is also expected to attract representatives of international and multilateral agencies, civil society, and private enterprise.

The conference is part of a worldwide preparatory process. Representatives of Latin American and Caribbean countries will approve two documents.

These documents are a regional action plan and a political declaration oriented towards sustainable development, digital inclusion, and solidarity among the countries of the region.



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