Apex to Promote Exports of Brazilian Machinery

The Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (Apex) and the Brazilian Machinery Manufacturers Association (Abimaq) signed Tuesday, August 2, an agreement for an investment of another US$ 2.5 million to promote the sector abroad.

“There is a strategic dedication to this sector, within the government’s industrial policy,” said the Apex president, Juan Quirós.

According to information supplied by the two entities, the agreement will allow for the participation of 41 Brazilian companies in eight international fairs until the end of the year.

“The influence of the agreements with Apex is clear when we look, for example, at the numbers for exports to Mexico and Colombia,” said the Abimaq president, Newton de Mello.

The Apex and the Abimaq hold partnerships since 1999 and have already promoted the participation of Brazilian companies in events in these two countries.

During the first semester of the year, exports to Mexico increased 43% and reached US$ 209.7 million, placing the country in the third position amongst the main buyers from Brazil, losing only to the United States and Argentina. For Colombia, the shipments increased 67% and reached US$ 43 million.

The aim of the new contract is to increase 15% the exports in the segments of agriculture machinery, machines for the packaging and graphic industries and machines for the oil and gas sector.

Last year, the shipments in these segments yielded US$ 74.4 million. The forecast aim is to make them reach US$ 85.56 million this year.

Agência Brasil


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