Pope Benedict XVI Sets Up Trip to Brazil

Pope Benedict XVI plans to visit Brazil in 2007 to take part in the Latin American Bishops Conference (CELAM) general meeting, announced Brazilian Catholic Church officials.

The date of the CELAM conference has not yet been set, but the gathering is expected to take place in late April or early May 2007 in the city of Aparecida, some 167 kilometers northeast of São Paulo.

The pope confirmed his attendance at the meeting during an audience with CELAM leaders last Friday at his Vatican residence, reported the Brazilian National Bishops Conference.

Benedict XVI met with Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa, the archbishop of Santiago, Chile, and president of CELAM, Cardinal Pedro Rubiano, archbishop of Bogota, Colombia, Cardinal Claudio Hummes, archbishop of São Paulo, Brazil, and Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Buenos Aires archbishop.

CELAM said the pope decided to attend the conference after learning about the themes to be addressed at the gathering in Latin America.

Mercopress – www.mercopress.com


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