Brazil: Sí£o Paulo Campaign Gets Botox Enhancement

Miaow! Cat fight! Cat fight! To liven up Sunday, Monica Dallari, the girlfriend of São Paulo senator Eduardo Suplicy (the former husband of Marta Suplicy ”“ PT), has criticised the PT’s campaign and claims that she uses Botox.

If that wasn’t enough, she then has a go at Marta’s new husband, the Argentine Luiz Favre, who she says, want to “turn [Marta] into Evita [Peron].”

Money Matters

Meanwhile, Marta spent the day promising to build new universities in the east of the city during a visit there.

As for José Serra (PSDB), it was perhaps apt that he suggested reforming the way São Paulo manages its budgets.

If he’s elected, he’s going to re-jig the whole thing, including the amount spent on the mayor’s cabinet (21 million reais – US$ 7 million – apparently).

Also, for the cost of one educational centre (Marta’s main claim to success), he says 200 sports centres could be built.

So if Serra gets elected, in four years’ time don’t judge if São Paulo has improved by the number of educated people getting jobs, but rather the number of people signing on with football clubs. Or something like that…

A Popular Move?

Yesterday we mentioned that the public holiday that is scheduled to take place later this week is exercising minds at tucano headquarters.

So Serra has decided to come out and say what they must have thought they probably thought about but didn’t want to say: “I want everyone to stay in São Paulo [this weekend] and vote.”

Hey, São Paulo needs a leader and clearly Serra isn’t afraid to speak his mind.

But I wonder how many voters being told not to have any fun this weekend may have turned off?

I know what I would think ”“ or rather do ”“ if someone told me I couldn’t go to the beach…

TV Spots

Sunday’s TV ads saw the PT attack Serra’s plans for governing São Paulo, including his analysis of the budget and his plans for the rubbish tax and streetlights.

Serra’s meanwhile was a piece highlighting his work as Health Minister in the federal government (1995-2002), in particular his work against AIDS.

For more information and analysis of the São Paulo and other local Brazilian results, visit the election blog being run by Guy Burton and Andrew Stevens at


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