Brazil Appeals to ITC After US Accuses It of Orange Juice Dumping

A note issued by Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Relations says that the Brazilian government is worried about the possibility of the United States imposing additional restrictive commercial measures on Brazilian exports. According to the Brazilian government, current import tariff is already high: US$ 418 per ton.

The note refers to the investigation by the United States Department of Commerce, which concluded that Brazil practiced dumping, i.e., it sold orange juice to the US below market prices.

According to the note, Brazil expects that the International Trade Commission will recommend that the investigation ceases without imposing any antidumping measures, and will recognize that Brazilian exports have had an important role in avoiding supply shortage in the US market.

Both Brazilian government and producers are evaluating the procedures and conditions adopted in the investigation about the orange juice, with the objective of verifying if WTO disciplines have been fully observed, in order to take appropriate measures, says the note.



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