South Korea Warms up to Brazil. They Are Interested in Meat and Ethanol.

A mission composed of South Korean technicians who belong to the Bilateral Agricultural Advisory Committee (CCA) is in Brazil for trade talks.

According to the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, the most relevant topic under discussion is meat and ethanol exports.

The South Korean technicians’ visit was planned after a visit by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to South Korea last year.

Rodrigues participated today in the first meeting of the CCA. In his view, South Korea is a "positive partner," because it imports 100% of the petroleum it consumes.

For South Korea’s vice-minister of International Trade, Jangbae Youn, cooperation between the two countries in the agricultural sector has not been very significant in the past, but "this tendency is changing." In Youn’s opinion, an example of this is the trade increase that has occurred over the past three years.

According to Youn, this is due to the large-scale importation of Brazilian products, up around 50%. He pointed out that his team has already identified various areas that could be covered in future agreements with Brazil, such as information technology and agricultural policy.

On the Korean side, too, the vice-minister stressed, there is technology that could also be included in future trade talks. "Along these lines we want to pay serious attention to the possibility of exchanges in the area of bioenergy and biotechnology."

Other items mentioned by the South Korean Minister have to do with the possible utilization of Brazilian natural resources "in a way that would be beneficial to both countries," as well as in the area of food quarantine and inspection.

"In order for us to be able to introduce agricultural products into our country, we should initiate talks regarding sanitary matters," he observed, saying that he is hopeful about new partnerships.

On Wednesday, February 8, the mission will travel to São Paulo, where it will visit the São Paulo Sugarcane Agroindustrial Union and the University of São Paulo’s Nuclear Energy Center for Agriculture, as well as an alcohol refinery.

Agência Brasil


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