Over 100,000 Undocumented Women Get Their Papers in Brazil

In the last two years, over 122,000 Brazilian women obtained documentation for the first time, according to Andréa Butto, Coordinator of the Gender, Race and Ethnic Program, of Brazil’s Ministry of Agrarian Development.

This measure is part of the National Program for the Documentation of Women Rural Workers. Butto says that the objective is to create the adequate conditions for them to use their right to credit, land, and technical assistance.

During this weekend, an international seminar in Porto Alegre, South region of Brazil, gathered representatives of the civil society and of governments of three continents: Asia, America (Latin and Caribbean), and Africa. The theme: policies for women in the agrarian reform and rural development.

"Our expectation is that this conference will not only reaffirm international commitments, but also adopt clearer strategies to review the legislation and to implement administrative measures," said Butto.



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