Brazil Praised by UN for Its Water Management

The Brazilian water management model is considered an example by the United Nations Organization. According to a UN report, to be released this Wednesday, March 22, during the 4th World Water Forum (WWF), in Mexico, Brazil is one of the 14 nations that have presented important advances in their water policies, in the last three years.

108 countries were analyzed, including nine from South America. "Brazil is cited in the report explicitly as an example of progress in the integrated management of water resources, although we know there is still a lot to be done," says UNESCO’s Science and Environment Coordinator in Brazil, Celso Schenkel. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

Produced by the UNESCO-supported World Water Assessment Program, the report presents a detailed analysis about the condition of water resources in the planet, and analyzes the progresses of the water Millennium Development Goals.

It also evaluates aspects such as population growth, urbanization, ecosystem change, food production, health, industry and energy. It makes recommendations to guide and encourage future measures about the use, productivity, and sustainable management of drinking water resources.

Schenkel explains that the report emphasizes that only global cooperation can ensure an integrated and sustainable management of the water.

In its second edition entitled "Water: a shared responsibility," the publication was released one week before the 4th WWF. Brazil is the only South American country singled out by the UN.

"Since the establishment of a National Water Resource Policy, the Water Law, in 1997, Brazil has advanced in the construction of participative management institutional instruments, and in the consolidation of national plans and programs", says the UN representative.

He cites as fundamental advances, the creation of the National Water Agency, of State Water Agencies, and the development of a Water National Plan (PNRH).

Launched on March 3rd, the PNRH presents a set of directives, goals and programs to ensure rational water use in Brazil until 2020. The document is the result of two and a half years of discussions, among approximately 7,000 people from several segments of society.

Schenkel believes that the UN recognition of the policies implemented by Brazilian government entitles the country to lead a process of shared basins and integrated management of water resources in South America.

Agência Brasil


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