Coptic Church’s Pope Ordains Brazil’s First Bishop

The Coptic Orthodox Church, main Christian authority in Egypt, is going to transform the parish in Brazil into a diocese. The priest Aghason Anba Paul, responsible for the Coptic Church in the country, was ordained bishop by the leader of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria, on the 11th of June at the St Mark Cathedral, in Cairo.

This Saturday, July 15, there will be a religious ceremony for the official nomination of the bishop, at the São Marcos Church, in the Jabaquara neighborhood of São Paulo, where the parish’s headquarters in the country is.

The Coptic Church was founded by the apostle Mark during the first century of the Christian Era. In Brazil, the church started working in September 2001.

It was officially blessed by Pope Shenouda III in the beginning of the year, when the religious official visited Brazil. The nomination ceremony for Aghason as a bishop starts at 9 a.m. and is open to the community in general. There will also be a mass on the day, which starts at 8 a.m.

Nomination Ceremony
Saturday, 15th of July, 9 a.m.
Venue: Igreja São Marcos Copta Ortodoxa
Rua São Borja, 201
Cidade Vargas, Jabaquara – São Paulo



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