Holland and US Main Buyers of Brazilian Flowers

Brazilian exports of flowers and ornamental plants increased by 7.65% from January to June 2006 in relation to the first six months in 2005.

In the first half of the year sales reached just over US$ 15 million. In the same period in 2005, Brazil exported US$ 13.9 million.

The study was made by the agronomy engineer and consultant Antônio Hélio Junqueira and by the economist Márcia da Silva Peetz, both from the training and consulting company Hórtica Consultoria e Treinamento, of São Paulo.

The database used by the specialists belongs to the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.

The main international consuming markets of the Brazilian flowers and ornamental plants are still Europe, followed by North America (United States and Canada), Asia (Japan, China, Hong Kong and Thailand), as well as Central America, South America and Africa.

When separating the figures per country, the main buyers of Brazilian flowers and plants are Holland, which takes in 50% of Brazilian external sales, followed by the United States (21.29%), Italy (9.63%), Japan (4.94%) and Belgium (4.41%).



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