Entrepreneur’s Fair 2.0 Comes to Brazil

Brazil’s Entrepreneur’s Fair to be held in Minas Gerais state has two main objectives, according to their organizers: To encourage entrepreneurship and to offer technical solutions for many kinds of businesses.

This is the second edition of the exposition, which takes place between September 12 and September 15, in Belo Horizonte, capital city of the southeastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

The event, which will be held at the Expominas exhibition center, will gather about 300 exhibiting companies from the whole of Brazil and will also count on consultancies, lectures, seminars, workshops, amongst other activities. In all, there will be nearly 200 activities for orientation and entrepreneurial capacitation.

On the first edition, in 2004, more than 45,000 people showed up at the fair, which counted on 266 exhibiting companies. More than 17,000 people stopped to hear the lectures.

For those starting from scratch, the topics most searched for that year were "Harvesting Mushrooms", "Inns", "Clothes Factories", "Costume Jewelry Factories", "LAN House". At the business roundtables, the expectations for future business generated at the occasion was of US$ 5.7 million.

The agenda for the exhibit may be seen on the website www.sebraeminas.com.br or by the telephone number (55 31) 3269-0180.


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