Brazil Reaffirms Commitment to Africa

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva repeated his pledge that Brazil will install an antiretroviral drug factory in Maputo, capital of Mozambique. Antiretroviral drugs are used to control the HIV virus in the human organism.

The President also announced that the Vale do Rio Doce Company, with financial help from the National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES), plans to become involved in mining activities in that country.

These declarations were made during a luncheon today in honor of the President of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano.

President Lula explained that all these investments will be made in Mozambique, because the Brazilian government believes in the development and prosperity of African countries.

“Brazil is proud to support Africa,” the President affirmed.

Brazil signed a cooperation agreement with the Mozambican government in the area of social communications. In the memorandum, the two countries express interest in promoting exchanges of journalists and other communications professionals, sharing programs and news items, developing co-productions, and sharing information and experiences in the realm of new technologies.

The agreement assigns responsibility for the implementation of these projects to the Brazilian Communications Company – Radiobrás.

Brazil and Mozambique also signed agreements in the areas of public safety, the struggle against discrimination and the promotion of racial equality, and the training of prison professionals.

The Mozambican President confirmed his country’s support for Brazil’s campaign to obtain a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.

At the end of his address, President Lula asked all the countries of the world to pay more attention to malnutrition.

“We must disarm. The greatest weapon of mass malnutrition is hunger.” The President reaffirmed that he will take these words to the meeting of world leaders in New York, on September 20.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Ana Paula Marra
Translator: David Silberstein


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