Happy Penis, a Brazilian Program Dispenses Free Viagra to the Elderly

McDonald’s has Happy Meals and the litlte town of Novo Santo Antônio (population: 1168) in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso has Happy Penis, a free municipal program that dispenses Viagra and Cialis to any man in the city who is at least 60 years old.

The Pinto Alegre program (pinto in Portuguese is chick, but it’s also a term used to designate the male sexual organ) was introduced after the city’s council members, on March 30, approved a bill sent by mayor João de Souza Luz proposing that the city helped treat men with erectile dysfunction.

The new law establishes that the man has to be at least 60 and that he visits the doctor to get a medical prescription before taking the Viagra or Cialis home.  The program is part of a broader project that spends about US$ 5,000 every month in free medicine for the poor population.

Each participant can take four free tablets a month of his favorite virility enhancer. About 70 men have joined the giveaway plan, which also includes a basket of food containing some staples like rice and beans.

The idea of offering the food basket was to make it easier for some men who might feel embarrassed about getting their potency pills. But as the mayor soon found out he didn’t have to be worried about this: "Some have quite a nerve. They don’t want anything to do with the basic basket. All they want is the medicine."

Luz told the story of a 91-year-old who can’t have enough of the little blue wonders:  "This 91-year-old gentleman has to be stopped. If we are not paying attention he might try to get a new Viagra tablet every day."

Those participating in the program only have praise for it. Iran Wanderley, one of the Happy Penis beneficiaries says that his life quality has improved a lot since starting taking the sex-enhancing pills. "I am 70 years old," he says, "but I’m still a strong man with lots of energy. With the pills I can keep my stimulation going."

The program has been successful. Maybe a little too much successful. The free Viagra distribution is encouraging infidelity and the mayor doesn’t look happy with this. After all, half of his voters are women. To curb a little all the excitement he is planning on changing the way the pills are distributed: 

"Since some men are "jumping the fence" we are thinking about giving the medicine to the wives so  that they give their men the pills when they themselves are in the mood for romance."


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